Wavemaker Coaching

2015-06-02 12.34.12

What is WaveMaker Coaching?

WaveMaker Coaching (also known as Human Software Engineering) uses cutting edge technology to “debug” the stuff that is keeping you from having the life you really want… fear of failure, fear of success, the voice that pops up when you want to step outside your comfort zone.  Through the guidance of an experienced WaveMaker Coach, you can remove the “programs”that keep you stuck in self-limiting beliefs, fears, doubts and excuses.  WaveMaker technology is for people who know that they are co-creators    of the life they have and know, or at least suspect, they can change their internal programming.

Many have come to know through personal experience that our thoughts create our reality…  Change your thinking, Change your life!  In his new book, Biology is Belief,  Bruce Lipton states that we must first acquire new perceptions of how  life works if we are to change our perceptions or beliefs.  “We need to let go of or reconsider the perceptions we came with, such as ‘I’m a victim, I’m frail,..’  These are acquired beliefs.   But are they really true?  They are true if that’s what you believe, because perception runs the biology.”  These perceptions have their foundation in our subconscious which controls  95 percent of our life.  The majority of the time, we are unaware of these beliefs and programs, they are automatic.  Our conscious selves are busy and the subconscious,  automatic programs take over.  Lipton informs us “There are two facts that help us make sense of this.  One, the conscious mind operates on a 40-bit processor, meaning it can interpret and process 40  “bits” or 40 nerve stimuli, per second.  Meaning 40 stimuli are coming in every second, and the conscious mind is sorting and understanding them.  The subconscious mind in that very same second is processing 40 Million bits.  Thus:  If I compare the processing of the conscious to the subconscious mind, the subconscious is a MILLION times more powerful in processing information.  Fact number two:  Cognitive neuroscientist say the  5 percent of our daily  behavior is controlled by the conscious mind and  95 percent a product of the subconscious program.  The subconscious mind is a tape player without a disc-jockey.”   So, how can you overcome the subconscious programming?

Awareness is the first step, the key to any change. 

One of the ways of doing this is through the guidance of a trained WaveMaker coach, you can learn such techniques as “The Gap or The Experience of Pure Awareness” to create mindfulness and a consciousness of being here now.  Another way is to go back into your subconscious and rewrite the program.  Bruce Lipton writes “…Many people think they can just talk to the subconscious mind      and that will make it better.  But the subconscious   mind is a tape player.  Put a tape in  your cassette player, play it, then tell it to play something different.  The fact is there’s nobody in there.  It’s not going to play a new tape.  A lot of people turn to the power of  positive thought.  And   when it fails, they feel  even worse because they can’t even think positively.  Why would it fail?  Because the subconscious program is not in alignment with the conscious direction.  And so, you have a program that’s running 95 percent of the time on a 40 million-bit processor, speeding you downhill while you’re spending 5 percent of  your time in your imagination thinking positive thought… Of course, if you are so positive in your mind and you think you’re running the show and you discover it doesn’t work, you can feel the world is against you. No, the world is not against you.  It’s the limiting, self- sabotaging programs you’ve acquired in your youth.”

How can you change the tape – erase the limiting, self sabotaging programs?  The WaveMaker offers new technology that allows you to do just that!!  Use of a computer analogy will allow me to provide insights as to how this technology works.  Computers  were created to automate certain human tasks.  When a computer is not giving us the output that we want, we need to debug (remove a virus) or upgrade the software. When  people are not getting the output(results) in  life that they want, they may need to debug or upgrade their inner human software.  What are the “bugs” in our software?  There are inner conflicts which occur between two kinds of thoughts…  natural intentions and conditioned responses. The main “bugs” in our inner human software come from our conditioning. This conditioning is written all over our internal hard drive like a  computer virus. Understanding and will don’t get rid of the virus. You must run the anti-virus software to remove the patterns of energy and information that made up the virus.  So, how can you stop sabotaging yourself?  By debugging and upgrading your inner human software, you can get the desired outcome you want and unearth these “programs you’ve acquired in your youth” by erasing them.

What happens during a WaveMaker session?

Prior to your coming to a WaveMaker session, I will ask you to come prepared to share  some areas of your life that you would like to be different..  Questions like: If you had a magic wand and could change anything in your life, what would it be? or What habit do you have that if erased would change your life? or What issue would you like to work on changing/improving? If you don’t have any ideas, we will discover them together.

Generally, clients have several issues they’d like improved in their life.  If there are multiple issues,we will then determine which issue is the most optimal to work on that session.  To do this, we will use a process known as kinesiology or muscle checking. whereby we access the innate wisdom of your body. (For more compelling information about this, check out Power versus Force by Dr. David Hawkins, renowned physician and lecturer  Pages 39-49).  With your permission, I use a pendulum throughout the session to tap into your inner wisdom to determine what is for your highest good with harm to none.

Once the optimal issue has been identified,we will work on the intention statement.  You are putting your order into the Cosmic Kitchen and we want to make sure it is JUST RIGHT.  This will involve refining and clarifying the language so it is exactly what you want. This intention statement will express how your life would be if the issue you’ve identified was completely resolved. For example, let’s say the issue you want to work on is to lose weight, your intention statement might be ‘I eat the perfect foods and portions that support my healthy well being.’  or if you have a fear of speaking in public, ‘ I speak with ease and courage in public.’

After crafting just the right intention statement, we will check to determine if there are barriers that need to be identified.  Barriers are what are preventing you from experiencing what you want.  The more accurately we can determine what is really at the core, the deeper and more profound result you will have.  (This is where the experience, skill and training of a WaveMaker Coach makes a difference).  Often, what is at the root of the issue is something related to what WaveMaker inventor, Tom Stone, has labeled “The 12 Core Dynamics of Common Problems.”  Click to learn more about the Core Dynamics.

Once the barriers have been identified, you are ready for the WaveMaker.  You pick up the two brass handles of the WaveMaker for the appropriate time determined to ‘debug’ or ‘upgrade.’ Some people feel report feeling no sensation while using the WaveMaker while others report some tingling in their fingers while others talk of a deep sense of peacefulness.


The WaveMaker technology is not recommended for people with autoimmune disorders,  those with implanted electronic devices like a pacemaker, pregnant women or manic psychosis.


After holding the handles for a short time (2 minutes to 36 minutes), we check to see if the issue has been resolved.

Finally, we will have a brief discussion about what you might expect will be different as a result of our session.  We will check to see if there are any specific actions you need to take to “live into” this new way of being or “booting up the installed program.”   For example, “homeplay”may be needed.  This may involve such actions as stating your intention two times a day, morning and evening for one week. I recommend drinking at least two liters of water for the following few days to aid the body in releasing any “residue” that may have been released during the session.  Most of the time, I recommend a follow up appointment to check your progress and to determine if there are additional layers (dust bunnies) that are ready or need to be worked on.

There is no hypnosis or trance work; we are simply assisting your conscious awareness to help ‘concentrate’ the energy.  We will discover, define, concentrate and debug as many issues as we can during the time of a session.  Most people come in to work on one or two issues.  We may debug those in a single session. We may also discover and ‘upgrade’ some useful issues you want to strengthen.  Any additional sessions you schedule will be at your choice,because you have discovered additional things you wnat to work on or have noticed the effectiveness of the process.

How long will a session take?

A typical session will take between an hour and a half and two hours.

How many sessions will it take?

The answer is it depends.  Some people have lots of deep negative “tapes” playing in their heads.  These are primarily rooted in childhood experiences when often well meaning adults/guardians attempting to protect the child said things that left a deep scar.

For example, you may have had a job walking a neighbors dog and forgot to do it one day. When the owners learned that you did not do what you were hired to do, they fired you.  Your parents told you how irresponsible you were.  Twenty years later, that some “tape” replays from time to time when you are trying to take a new bold step.  Depending on how deep the issue is, it may take just one session to clear this response or perhaps multiple.  Often, people have many such issues that are holding them back from living fully expressed. I have many clients who have experienced a remarkable difference after one session but often come back for more issues to be resolved.


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