
Autumn Moments

Wow, it is November already, this year has flown by.  Now, seems the perfect time to take stock, to reflect and to take a breath.

When you think of Autumn moments, what comes to mind for you? Close your eyes for a moment,and picture your autumn moments. Is it …

  • The sound of crisp autumn leaves underfoot?
  • The smell of bonfires in the air?
  • The taste of toffee or the hearty stews of the season?
  • The feeling of the cooler air as it travels up your nostrils?
  • Seeing the nights drawing in or watching spectacular colours against the low sun?

maybe for you it is something else entirely … what sums up your autumn adventure?

Autumn is such an evocative season for all the senses.  The beautiful colours and the light, the special scenes as the year draws in, the bounty season, nature’s last ha rah!

A time to be mindful too, to reflect on our harvest from the year so far and a chance still to use the rest of the year to invest in our goals and ideas.

Some questions to ponder …

  • What successes have you had this year?
  • Which challenges did you get the opportunity to overcome?

How might you use the last of this years energy – to complete something or even to begin?

Autumn is ...

This weeks Coaching Gym Gift is 10 Top Tips for an Accomplished Autumn. To get instant access join our Coaching Gym by clicking the link ⇓on the picture below

Accomplished Autumn

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I am Marian Rosefield, a coach, trainer, writer, artist, healer & adventurer. Over the past 14 years, I have had the privilege of coaching hundreds of bright, successful, men & women, just like you, from all corners the world. During that time, I have learnt a thing or two about what keeps people stuck, what inspires massive action and how to really create sustained momentum. I have trained with some of the brightest lights in the field, worked with some of the best minds and studied with some of the greatest teachers at the peak of their powers. Added to my natural fascination and drive for learning and discovery, from philosophers and thinkers of ancient times and those at the cutting edge right now. We are living in one of the most incredibly richly resourceful times for humanity, where understanding and knowledge is at our fingertips 24 hours a day, how we choose to spend our time is more important than ever. My passion is to distil this adventure down into bite sized morsels for you to savour over your morning coffee and beyond! I bring my own eclectic mix of honest reflection, humour and an unshakable belief in the goodness of humanity - that everybody does the very best they can, with the resources that they have. In light of that I dedicate my life to discovering, creating and sharing 'resource improvers' from wherever they may be found. Drawing from cutting edge Neuroscience research, NeuroLinguisticProgramming, the science of Positive Psychology, healing Reiki, Yoga, Mindfulness, Technology – apps & hacks, Timeless Wisdom & a general fascination with our human experience. I aim to bring you the best, most transformational and most interesting coaching tips & tools to support you to live a transformational life.
